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Stop the #VoucherScam (again): Prioritize Tennessee students and educators, not out-of-state billionaires

SOCM Communications

Strong public schools are the cornerstone of our communities - employing amazing teachers, supporting families, and educating every child that walks in their doors regardless of race, class, ability, or background. While Gov. Lee has claimed throughout his career to stand for families and fiscal responsibility, he and his billionaire backers are instead pushing a policy that would channel tax dollars away from the 90% of students who attend Tennessee public schools and into the hands of a few exclusive private schools. 

After an overwhelming rejection last year by teachers, parent groups, 72+ school boards, the superintendents association, and communities all across the state, Gov. Lee has yet again filed a bill to create a universal private voucher program in Tennessee. By 2027, this program would divert over $800 million per year into private schools. While Lee and his followers sell their voucher bill as “parental choice”, the evidence from states like Arizona who have passed similar legislation show that the overwhelming majority of voucher recipients are wealthy families who can already afford to send their children to exclusive private schools. In other words, Gov. Lee’s voucher program is just a new entitlement program for upper-middle class families. 

As Lee pushes his private school entitlement program, many public school classrooms are bursting at the seams, school facilities are crumbling, the growing list of responsibilities placed on our teachers is causing many to leave the profession they love, and our state legislature’s obsession with “teaching to the test” is harming our student’s ability to learn. 

These challenges have emerged not by magic but through continued disinvestment. They are not challenges that can be addressed in a single year, BUT we can make a choice to change course and actually invest in the success of our public schools. Instead of sending $800 million a year to exclusive private schools, we could choose to direct that $800 million per year into rebuilding dilapidated public school buildings, hiring more teacher aides, helping address our hemorrhaging supply of K-12 educators, funding relief (not loans) to school districts hardest hit by Hurricane Helene, expanding access to pre-k, reforming our approach to standardized testing, supporting the development of vocational training facilities and so much more. 

It’s no surprise that everyday Tennesseans are not the ones asking for Lee’s entitlement program for the wealthy. Instead, it’s out-of-state billionaire groups like Americans for Prosperity leading the charge by pouring millions upon millions of dollars into campaigns in our small towns and threatening our local elected leaders if they dare to side with their constituents. Next time you get a mailer hyping the voucher scam, check the fine print at the bottom and see who’s paying for it. With a few clicks on google, you’ll almost certainly find that the money is not coming from Tennesseeans.

But the good news is, everyday Tennesseans and so many of our elected leaders refuse to be bought. From rural county commissioners, to urban school board reps and suburban parent groups, we rejected the voucher scam in a landslide last year. 

Tennessee can claim some of the best educators in the nation, an incredible body of students, and a deep community pride in local public schools that serve every young person who walks in the door. Let's remind our state representatives that Tennessee is #PublicSchoolStrong and that we need them to have the courage to stand with their constituents instead of caving to Lee and his billionaire buddies. And then, let’s get serious about investing in our public schools so that every child can have access to a high-quality education in the communities where they live and play. 


  1. Contact your state representatives and urge them to say no to to the #VoucherScam!

  1. Join us for the TN4All/PublicSchoolStrong Statewide Assembly on Thursday, Nov. 6th to process the election results and learn how YOU can get involved in working for strong public schools in your own community

  1. SHARE the action link graphic with your networks!

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Signed on behalf of the PublicSchoolStrong TN campaign, 

Angela Wynn, Rutherford County PublicSchoolStrong parent 

Dustin Park, Blount County PublicSchoolStrong parent

Harmonie Dingui, Davidson County PublicSchoolStrong parent

Marissa Cox, Loudon County PublicSchoolStrong parent 

Marsha Livingston, Anderson County PublicSchoolStrong retired educator

Austin Sauerbrei, McMinn County PublicSchoolStrong Parent

Rosa Ponce, Montgomery County PublicSchoolStrong parent

Christine Woods, Fayette County, PublicSchoolStrong parent

Elton Holmes, Fayette County, President NAACP

Tekedrion Perry, Fayette County PublicSchoolStrong Parent

Marco McNeil, Shelby County, PublicSchoolStrong Parent

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